



Isosterism: The Similarities and Differences in Molecular Structure


Isosterism is a concept in chemistry that refers to the presence of atoms or groups of atoms in different molecular structures that have the same number of electrons. This phenomenon is commonly observed in organic chemistry, where molecules with similar structures exhibit similar chemical properties. In this article, we will explore the concept of isosterism, its implications, and the factors that contribute to its existence.

The Similarities in Molecular Structure

Isosteric molecules share similar molecular structures, characterized by the same connectivity of atoms and the same spatial arrangement. This similarity in structure leads to similar bonding and electron distribution patterns, resulting in comparable chemical properties. For example, carbon and silicon are isosteric elements, as they have the same number of electrons but differ in their atomic number. This similarity in electron configuration allows them to exhibit similar reactivity and bonding behavior.

The Differences in Molecular Structure

Despite sharing similar molecular structures, isosteric molecules may exhibit differences in their physical and chemical properties. These differences arise from variations in the electronegativity, size, and electronic effects of the atoms or groups of atoms involved. For instance, in organic molecules, isosteric pairs may differ in their acidity or basicity due to variations in the electron