



Furiousness, a state of extreme anger and intensity, can be manifested in various forms. It could be seen in the accelerated heartbeat, clenched fists, or flared nostrils. However, the way individuals express their furiousness may differ. While some might yell and vent their anger, others might remain silent and bottle up their emotions. In any case, furiousness is a strong emotion that, when not managed properly, can have detrimental effects on both the individual and those around them.

The triggers for furiousness are numerous and varied. It could be due to a traffic jam that makes one late for an important meeting, or a misunderstanding that leads to a heated argument with a loved one. Sometimes, it could even be a result of frustration from repeated failures in trying to achieve a goal. whatever the reason, when provoked, the body's natural response is to protect itself, often at the expense of others.

While furiousness is a natural emotion, allowing it to take control of one's actions and decisions can lead to negative consequences. For instance, it could damage relationships, hinder personal growth, and even lead to legal issues. Therefore, it is crucial to learn how to manage and control one's furiousness. This can be achieved through various means such as practicing deep